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WWE Survivor Series airs this Sunday, November 19, live on WWE Network. The “only time Raw and Smackdown goes head-to-head” is headlined by a pair of traditional Survivor Series elimination matches, as well as WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar taking on WWE Champion AJ Styles.
Here’s the complete Survivor Series card as we know it, keeping in mind that it could change eight more times between now and Sunday..
WWE Survivor Series 2017:
1. WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar vs. WWE Champion AJ Styles
2. Team Raw (Kurt Angle, Braun Strowman, Finn Bálor, Samoa Joe, and Triple H) vs. Team Smackdown (Shane McMahon, John Cena, Randy Orton, Shinsuke Nakamura, and Bobby Roode)
3. The Shield vs. The New Day
4. Raw Tag Team Champions Sheamus and Cesaro vs. Smackdown Tag Team Champions The Usos
5. Team Raw (Alicia Fox, Sasha Banks, Nia Jax, Bayley, and Asuka) vs. Team Smackdown (Becky Lynch, Naomi, Tamina, Carmella, and ???)
6. Intercontinental Champion The Miz vs. United States Champion Baron Corbin
7. Raw Women’s Champion Alexa Bliss vs. Smackdown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair
8. WWE Cruiserweight Championship Kickoff Match: Enzo Amore (c) vs. Kalisto
As always, here’s our complete rundown of the card, featuring analysis and predictions for all eight matches. We don’t have much story to go on to inform our predictions, but hey, at least we’ll get the matches right. More than we could say for TLC.
WWE Cruiserweight Championship Kickoff Match: Enzo Amore (c) vs. Kalisto
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What Should Happen: Big Cass returns from injury to help Enzo retain the championship, taking his rightful place as the Diesel of the Cruiserweight Division. Drew Gulak ends up turning on Enzo a few weeks later for having found someone whiter than himself for protection.
What Will Happen: As good of an athlete as Kalisto is, his character work is so unbelievably, impossibly poor that I think most of us are of the opinion that Enzo should just retain and move on to face someone else. It’s a shame, because Kalisto and Neville are the guys who the division should’ve been built around from day one … I mean, assuming you still don’t manage to sign Kota Ibushi and Zack Sabre Jr. before the end of the Cruiserweight Classic.
Staff Predictions
Scott Heisel – Count me among the many who used to think Drew Gulak was the dictionary definition of “vanilla midget” but have turned a corner on him. I’m legit surprised they’re not making Drew-05 Live shirts yet. Anyway, expect him to interfere on Enzo’s behalf to keep the belt around the waist of the champ.
John Canton – Since the main card is four hours at least, I doubt I’ll even watch this. That’s how excited I am! Enzo retains because Kalisto is losing steam as a challenger. I hope they finally push Cedric Alexander after this.
Robby Cole – Enzo was left laid out and covered in cake on the go home show, and while “lose on the last show before = win at the PPV” isn’t a hard and fast rule, I don’t think the cruiserweight division and 205 Live gain anything with a title change. Expect Drew Gulak to help interfere and help Enzo cheat to retain the title.
Bill Hanstock – Birthday celebrations aside, 205 Live has kicked into high gear since becoming the Zo Show, and this is the absolute perfect use of Amore. He’ll retain and move on to the next challenger, which we’re hoping is finally Mustafa Ali.
Elle Collins – I love Kalisto, and I always have. Yeah, I know he can’t talk, but he’s got a ton of charisma in the ring, and the Salida del Sol is a thing of beauty. So I’d be thrilled to see him win the belt back and get more of a run with it. Unfortunately, there’s no reason to believe that the Cruiserweight division is going to stop revolving around Enzo Amore anytime soon, so he probably retains.
Brian James O’Connell – This is on the kickoff show because nobody cares. No one. Cass is not even hate watching this. Is it possible that the first match is the bathroom break? Does everyone just hold their bladder for three hours after this? I thought we were supposed to start the crowd off with a match to get them hyped up. This should be a lumberjack match or a Fatal 5 Way or a 2006 X-Division style match where six Cruiserweights are climbing scaffolding to grab the belt from an old cowboy dinner bell. Give me a gimmick. Give me something; anything. I need a Skywalkers Re-dux so the flippy guys can do the flippy shit from twenty feet in the air so Enzo can just win with an O’Connor Roll and a handful of tights to make the crowd livid.
Raw Women’s Champion Alexa Bliss vs. Smackdown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair
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What Should Happen: This is a good example of why it’s so hard to predict this card. Pre-show title match aside, you could flip a coin to decide who wins and it wouldn’t be any more involved than the booking. It’s Raw vs. Smackdown. A lot of people who are in these matches weren’t even on the card two weeks ago, or they were wrestling different matches. This was Alexa Bliss vs. Natalya until Tuesday.
That said, this should be much better. This is one of the only cross-promotional matches with actual functional opposing alignments, too, so I’m hoping for good things no matter what happens. And, God willing, something other than, “whoever’s in the program for the next pay-per-view interferes and causes the champion to lose,” from either side.
What Will Happen: Charlotte should roll. She just won the championship, so unless you’re sending Natalya out there to set up something for Starrcade, there’s no reason to have her lose right away. I say this one ends with something underwhelming, like Alexa taking a count-out and then getting dragged back to the ring for a Figure-Eight.
Staff Predictions
Scott Heisel – I think this would be a nifty time for Carmella to cash in her Money In The Bank briefcase — but not on Charlotte, on Alexa. Has a heel-on-heel cash-in ever been done? (I know I could fact-check myself with a simple Google search, but you’re not paying for this content, so let’s roll the dice and say no, it hasn’t.) It would throw another body in the path of Asuka, plus it could allow for Smackdown to grab a female superstar from Raw in return (perhaps a returning Paige?). So, yeah: Charlotte kicks Alexa’s head off and we end up with a new Raw women’s champ.
John Canton – This could be sloppy at times because they haven’t worked together in a long time. When Bliss is against a familiar opponent she does okay, but when it’s somebody new there can be chemistry issues. Once again it’s tough to pick a winner for these matches, but I’ll go Charlotte just to keep her momentum going as a new champion.
Robby Cole – I love Alexa, and having her beat the Smackdown Women’s Champion would allow her to be even more insufferable on Raw, but I just don’t see it. Charlotte is riding the emotional wave of her father returning and the press that the 30 for 30 doc brought to her.
Bill Hanstock – Boy did WWE ever hammer the upgrade button on this match. The first woman to hold both titles vs. the second woman to hold both titles. Flair gets the win in this one, because she’s a Flair, but I’m just excited to finally see the 2017 versions of these two wrestlers mix it up. Game on.
Elle Collins – Alexa’s great, but Charlotte goes into this match with the momentum of having just won her title, besides which she’s Charlotte Flair. She ought to be able to do that cartoon move where she palms Alexa’s forehead with one hand and Alexa’s too far away to land a punch. I like Alexa in the ring more than a lot of people seem to, but she’s no Charlotte. I’m sure this will be competitive since they’re both champions, but I think Charlotte has it.
Brian James O’Connell – Good, technical match with arguably the best facial expressions on the whole show. I’m going to enjoy this match for the simple, efficient not-quite-classic-but-impressive thing that it is. At one point, Charlotte is going to deliver a vicious chop in the corner and Alexis is going to cover up and look so shocked that I’m going to giggle like a schoolboy. I can’t wait until they are in an actual program together.
Intercontinental Champion The Miz vs. United States Champion Baron Corbin
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What Should Happen: Miz should absolutely eat Baron Corbin for breakfast. Like, the first five seconds should be Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel causing a distraction, and the remaining five should be two of a Skull-crushing Finale and three of a pin.
What Will Happen: This is a non-title match, so of course Baron Corbin loses. Plus, Miz is the underappreciated ace of his show, just did the Lord’s work in helping make that TLC main event work, and has nuked Corbin in the social media build. Don’t let Baron Corbin win this.
Staff Predictions
Scott Heisel – We’re having a two-hour pre-show. What are the odds this match gets bumped off the main card? I’d say pretty high, but hopefully, Miz won’t have PTSD flashbacks to his SummerSlam pre-show match in front of the ring crew and popcorn vendors. Miz wins, as he should, and Bad News Baron’s career continues to flatline.
John Canton – Another heel vs. heel match that will be weird because the crowd won’t know who to cheer for. Miz will probably get some cheers because he’s a much more entertaining performer. Since I picked the Raw guys in the tag match, I’ll go with Smackdown guy Corbin here. Miz is the bigger star, so Corbin beating him gives Corbin some credibility.
Robby Cole – Baron Corbin continues his run as ineffectual champion when he takes on The Miz. Miz gets help from the Miztourage to win, and Miz gets to go on Raw and talk about how he really represents the brand after Team Smackdown wins the Survivor Series match.
Bill Hanstock – This is going to be the weirdest and possibly worst match on the card. Like … who are the fans supposed to cheer for? The Miz, duh. They’re supposed to cheer for the Miz. Because he’s incredible. And he’s going to win this match. The only question is how hard Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel are going to eat Ends of Days or Deep Sixes on the outside before Miz gets the win.
Elle Collins – The Miz wins because he’s the greatest Intercontinental Champion since Randy Savage, and Baron Corbin is just a tall guy nobody likes.
Brian James O’Connell – Alright everybody, gather round. Take a knee. Corbin takes this one in a squash. Don’t walk away! Hear me out!
Miz is bulletproof right now and the fact that’s he’s on a different brand actually works in our favor here. If we’re going to go all in on Corbin, we need to do it here. If he’s going to ever look like a future main-eventer, you need to have him beat a name. Miz is a name. Corbin needs a win against a former World Heavyweight Champion and a few months of US title open challenges and riverboat tears promos to give him something to do. If he loses this one, you are not only burying him but you are also burying the US title. Let him squash a cocky Miz trying to dedicate this match to his daugher, End of Days him into goo and then have Corbin spit on him for good measure. Have Corbin grab the mic, growl out a “Congratulations” and have him walk to the back dragging the US title in one hand and Miz’s corpse in the other. Just do it. Make him something or do a “Hair vs Mask” match with Sin Cara and Future Endeavor him. Side note: Why can I not buy a Three Lone Wolves Baron Corbin Ugly Christmas Sweater?
Team Raw (Alicia Fox, Sasha Banks, Nia Jax, Bayley, and Asuka) vs. Team Smackdown (Becky Lynch, Naomi, Tamina, Carmella, and ???)
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What Should Happen: That ??? spot is interesting. If they were going to sub-in Natalya for Charlotte, wouldn’t they just put her on the graphic? It’s gotta be someone else, and if we’re trying to even out the heavy hitters on each team, is this where Paige returns? They could sure use her on Smackdown, where the women’s Survivor Series team was basically a default because the entire division is five women, the champion, and Lana.
What Will Happen: The only two things I know for sure are that (1) Alicia Fox is getting eliminated three seconds into the match, and (2) Asuka is not going to lose. This one goes to Team Raw, and the men’s match swings the other way.
Staff Predictions
Scott Heisel – Presumably, ??? turns into Natalya, not that it matters — WAR ASUKA. WAR DAMN ASUKA.
John Canton – The outcome of this seems obvious because I doubt Asuka is going to suffer her first loss in WWE in a tag match against Smackdown women. Asuka will be one of the survivors that will probably eliminate two or three women. I think Nia Jax will survive the match too. Also, the surprise member of Smackdown’s team will probably be Natalya. I think Paige returns on the Raw brand as has been reported.
Robby Cole – It all depends on who the mystery member on Team Smackdown is. If it is a returning Paige, that complicates things a bit, but I still think this match ends with Asuka just absolutely destroying everyone. I don’t think they’ll do the Asuka is the last one left then beats Smackdown 5 on 1, but it would be awesome if they did.
Bill Hanstock – This is the match to prove nobody is ready for Asuka. I think poor Captain Foxy is getting eliminated first, because that’s the punchline. But I think the Raw team gets outnumbered early, and then Asuka clears house with aplomb.
Elle Collins – All I really want to know is who the Fifth Woman on Team Smackdown is. I’d love for it to be Paige, even though she’s supposed to be on Raw. If it’s not her, I hope it’s an NXT call-up. Could it be Nikki Bella? How’s her neck? The one thing I know for sure is that it had better not be Nattie, or god forbid Lana, because they could have just told us that on Tuesday. But whoever it is, it’s not Asuka, so team Raw probably wins.
Brian James O’Connell – Well, we know this is definitely Nattie’s spot now and that’s … fine, I guess. I’m very happy that this is a legit Survivor Series match with some good talent on both sides but aside from Asuka/Lynch which pairing are you really psyched about, you know? Bayley & Naomi? Sure, okay. Tamina & Nia? If you squint hard enough, maybe. Oh, god, it’s going to be seven minutes of Carmella and Alicia making “Say it to my face!” gestures in the middle of the ring, isn’t it? Fine. It’s fine. Asuka obliterates Nattie because Nattie is either Grand Champion or Stuff On A Rock. Match over. Just give me some miscommunication where the Boss & Bailey form the new B+B Connection and start the program with Asuka that cements her place in the main event until Wrestlemania where I get the Ronda Rousey/Asuka shoot fight to win BOC’s heart.
Raw Tag Team Champions Sheamus and Cesaro vs. Smackdown Tag Team Champions The Usos
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What Should Happen: Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose somehow manage to win back the Raw Tag Team Championship on the pre-show, and the match happens as originally announced. I know this is going to be outstanding no matter what, but I reserve the right to be a total baby about not getting the match I got hyped for for a couple of weeks.
What Will Happen: I have Miz winning the secondary champs battle and Charlotte winning the women’s champs showdown, so let’s officially predict this one as a “no contest.” As much as I want the Usos to put The Bar on lock™, there isn’t a pressing reason to give this one a clear finish. It’s like one of those Steiners vs. Road Warriors matches where they wrestle for five minutes and fight to the back.
Staff Predictions
Scott Heisel – This one’s a toss-up or me — both teams are in between feuds right now, but given how Smackdown is debuting a new tag team this coming Tuesday in the Bludgeon Brothers, I suppose you’d want to keep that show’s champions a little stronger, so we’ll go Usos.
John Canton – The heel vs. heel dynamic hurts the match, but I remember last year’s Survivor Series when they had a great sequence to end the elimination match. The Usos may work this match as faces. Going with Sheamus & Cesaro to win. Does it really matter? No.
Robby Cole – This will be the match of the night. The Usos have been on fire for the last year or so and they are going to continue that roll against The Bar. Smackdown wins another title vs title match against Raw.
Bill Hanstock – Heel vs. heel is going to be kind of weird, but I think WWE understands how lights-out the Usos are right now, and Smackdown has to win SOME of their matches on this thing, right? This might end up being the match of the night, but here’s the thing: this card is shockingly stacked. No, none of the motivations or set-ups make a lick of sense, but by god, we’re going to get one of the PPVs of the year. I’m up for it.
Elle Collins – Gotta be the Usos. Sheamus and Cesaro might the Bar, but the Uso Penitentiary is made of many bars.
Brian James O’Connell – Usos work babyface in the pre-match rap battle and Cesaro low-key has the lyrics but no one can understand him due to the mouth guard. In all seriousness, this will be the best Raw match on the whole card: perfectly executed and fun but no real stakes means no real risks for these four guys. Get healthy, Jeff Hardy. This was your match.
The Shield vs. The New Day
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What Should Happen: This should be exactly like The Shield vs. The New Age Outlaws and Kane at WrestleMania 30, with The Shield showing up in dog masks, hitting their signature moves for three straight minutes and winning strong. New Day are great and have been having the best matches on their cards all year, but brother, this is the what SHOULD happen.
What Will Happen: I’m hoping the Usos and the New Day still try to each steal the show, and we get two unbelievable tag matches to salvage the hodge-podge “brand vs. brand” stuff. New Day vs. The Shield should be killer unless something goes ridiculously wrong. And jokes about dominance aside, if New Day wins, something has gone even wronger.
Staff Predictions
Scott Heisel – I would absolutely love if the New Day took the wind out of the Shield’s sails and came in through the crowd for their entrance, complete with rainbow-colored flak jackets, as Big E yells, “NOVEMBER ECHO WHISKEY DELTA ALPHA YANKEE.” They’re clearing jobbing here, so what do they have to lose? This will probably be match of the night, so we’re all winners here.
John Canton – It should be a really good six man tag match between two groups of three that have had a lot of success. The Shield winning is the biggest lock on this show. Don’t make it complicated. Give them 15 minutes, tease a lot of believable false finishes and The Shield will win with Reigns getting the win. Gotta make Roman look strong.
Robby Cole – This is the biggest no brainer on the show. After the planned Shield reunion got delayed do to a viral infection, this is the first time the Shield is back together on a big show. They could be taking on a team of three Triple H clones and they’d still be guaranteed a victory.
Bill Hanstock – The whole point of the Shield reunion is to have the Shield win matches and let people feel good, right? While they’re legendary at this point, the truth is that the New Day has been together as a faction for a longer uninterrupted period of time, and has had more success as a team than the Shield. (Depending on how you’re measuring that, I guess.) So I think this is going to be a lot closer than people are expecting. It’s also going to be one hell of a match, if the last, like, half a dozen New Day PPV matches are any indication. And they probably are!
Elle Collins – I really want this match to be as beautifully brutal as the ones the New Day have had with the Usos. Honestly, it doesn’t matter who wins, but I’m guessing it’ll be the Shield, because winning seems more important to them.
Brian James O’Connell – This is going to steal the damn show. The Shield is going over no doubt because they are the re-newed hotness and The New Day can take an L but my goodness this is going to be a great match. I hope they go full on King Of Trios and just hit spot after spot. Reigns and Big E get a hoss moment AND will hit a simultaneous Spear/Big Ending at some point in the match. Oh, also Big E goes for a dive through the ropes and Roman hits a perfectly timed Drive By. I got five bucks that says Kofi does a rebound lariat to foreshadow his Rumble spot. Calling it now.
Team Raw (Kurt Angle, Braun Strowman, Finn Bálor, Samoa Joe, and Triple H) vs. Team Smackdown (Shane McMahon, John Cena, Randy Orton, Shinsuke Nakamura, and Bobby Roode)
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What Should Happen: Smackdown should win. As lame as Shane McMahon is/has been, he’s got Randy Orton and John Cena on his team. They can destroy the Raw roster by themselves. Plus, as good as Raw’s team is, it’s a team of rivals. Joe and Finn aren’t pals no matter what their performance on Raw this week said, Braun Strowman is the ultimate wild card, and Triple H just Pedigreed Kurt Angle’s son and brute-forced his way onto the team. That’s a volatile situation.
What Will Happen: Hopefully Shane gets eliminated by Kurt in the opening minutes, and the rest of the match just writes itself. Also, more Nakamura vs. Strowman, please and thank you.
Staff Predictions
Scott Heisel – Given how WWE has six hours(!) of programming to fill up this Sunday, I expect this match to be an hour-long clusterf*ck like last year was, though hopefully no one almost kills Shane this year. Team Raw wins, with Triple H as the sole survivor, because if you think this is ending any other way than Trips Pedigreeing Shane, you’ve never watched WWE before. Also, I’ll predict Bobby Roode randomly turns on his team and Glorious DDTs Nakamura just so those guys have something to do for the next few months.
John Canton – There are a lot of twists and turns that can happen here. I think Kane will attack Braun Strowman to cause him to be counted out or something along those lines. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn will probably show up to cost Shane McMahon a fall. Perhaps a sad Jason Jordan will try to get revenge on Triple H for that Pedigree on Raw, which could lead to Triple H getting beat by somebody on Smackdown. A lot of things can, and probably will, happen. Last year’s men’s elimination match went 52 minutes, so expect this one to go over 40 minutes. I’ll go with Team Smackdown winning with Nakamura and Orton as the two survivors since Nakamura needs some momentum while Orton has had so much success at Survivor Series. Raw will tease Angle being fired for losing, but it won’t happen.
Robby Cole – Oh boy. So many things can happen in this match. I think it’s more a matter of Team Raw imploding than Team Smackdown really getting the victory. Samoa Joe and Finn can’t exist on the same team very long before Samoa Joe decides to just attack him. Jason Jordan turns on his dad and costs him the match. There will be a finisher spam moment on Braun when he takes an RKO, a Kinshasa, and finally the “have you ever seen John Cena lift someone that big for an AA?!” that we’ve seen literally dozens of times. Add in some interference from Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn, and the blue brand is the A show at the end of the night.
Bill Hanstock – This might be the toughest match to predict on the entire card. You’ve got a team with Triple H going up against a team with John Cena AND Randy Orton on it. Who blinks? I think Daniel Bryan’s quasi-warning to Shane McMahon on Smackdown was a bit of foreshadowing, and that he might end up costing team blue the win here, just to spite his boss. Team Raw wins, and I think Cena gets eliminated first, just for the lulz of it.
Elle Collins – The thing I feel most certain about is that Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn will interfere with this match. Since Shane McMahon is their enemy (and Kevin probably still owes Triple H a favor for that Universal Title win last year) I’m going to guess that it’ll lead to a victory for Team Raw. Hopefully Finn, Joe, Braun, and Shinsuke will have time to do some cool stuff along the way.
Brian James O’Connell – I just don’t know. I don’t want to continue to harp on the alignment thing but both teams are loaded with so much great talent and so many storylines that we could be doing that I’m at a loss for what this match is going to be aside from “wrestling for wrestling’s sake”. I like that Strowman doesn’t really have beef with anyone on his team but sweet lord someone is going to swerve aren’t they? There is definitely a swerve coming on Raw’s side isn’t there? Just do right by Nakamura here, I guess, and let him and Joe tear it up for a few minutes and start a feud … oh, wait. Different shows. Uh, I don’t know. Cena and Orton stand tall. Yeah, that feels like Vince.
WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar vs. WWE Champion AJ Styles
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What Should Happen: Brock Lesnar should, at least one more time before he retires, put on his working boots and show up as Brock Lesnar Classic. He and Styles should blow everyone away with one of the best and most intense matches of the year. It’s possible. It really is. And God, it would be amazing. Give us Heyman catching a Yes Lock from Daniel Bryan for icing on the cake.
What Will Happen: German suplex, German suplex, German suplex, German suplex, German suplex, German suplex, German suplex, German suplex, German suplex, Phenomenal Forearm caught and turned into an F-5. I am so ready and hype to be proven wrong.
Staff Predictions
Scott Heisel – Last year, I got hyped for Lesnar/Ambrose, and it kinda sucked. Fool me once, shame on you. This year, I got hyped for Lesnar/Strowman, and it kinda sucked. Fool me twice, shame on me. I’m at the point now where I’m struggling to engage in most Lesnar singles matches because they are so formulaic. I wish this one breaks the pattern, but I’m not going to hype myself up for it. High hopes, low expectations. Go get ’em, AJ.
John Canton – This should be fun as long as we get the good Lesnar that actually sells moves for his opponent and tries to have a competitive match. If it’s the Lesnar that didn’t want to have a competitive match with Dean Ambrose at WrestleMania last year then it’s going to suck. Here’s hoping that Brock realizes how good AJ is and how these two 40-year-olds can have an awesome match together. I’m sure there will be people bitching about Styles losing this match, but it doesn’t matter to me. Styles lost clean to Balor last month. Did it hurt him? Nope. The fact that we are getting this dream match instead of what would have been a Lesnar vs. Mahal match that would have sucked is a “win” to me. Lesnar wins because WWE doesn’t want him losing before he loses to Roman Reigns at WrestleMania next year.
Robby Cole – I don’t think there is any way Brock loses this match. I think AJ is going to put up a hell of a fight against Brock, but Jinder Mahal is going to interfere and cost AJ the chance at the match. On the plus side, we’ll see the Singh Brothers get suplexed to death.
Bill Hanstock – So unbelievably jazzed for this match. Unfortunately, neither man can really lose this one. Further unfortunately, I think Jinder Mahal’s new place on this show is to get involved in the finish of this main event. Jinder interferes, hits Khallas, Lesnar wins. The same old story.
Elle Collins – It’s nice to believe that AJ Styles might win this match. He’s the one who’s going to make it entertaining, and he’s the one who will give it his best, because he’s the one who actually enjoys wrestling. By all rights, he should win. But let’s be real, Lesnar probably will.
Brian James O’Connell – Man, oh man, oh man, do I want this to be good. I know we all say that AJ can have a great match with a broomstick but what if that broomstick is purple and gassed 4 minutes in? Brock Lesnar can physically do things I can never dream of doing but isn’t cardio on the schedule at some point? My best possible hope is that they let AJ just fly around the ring and hit big move after big move while Brock rests in the corners and then counters an F5 into a Styles Clash which is countered into a Kimura Lock so that both guys look strong and AJ just got caught. Please no Jinder run in. That is all I humbly request.
That’s all we’ve got. Let us know who you think will win in the comments section below, and join us this Sunday for our complete coverage of the show.
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